In relationships we heal and grow. Horses in our programs become the model for community and belonging.
Belonging to a community and fellowship of practice creates safety and allows each other to be authentically seen and accepted. This builds confidence in self and others.
Breath, movement and mindful horsemanship connect us authentically with self, others, and the natural world.
Practicing Mindful horsemanship skills from the ground up, and inside out, help create connection, balance, relaxation, fun and the capacity to be embodied in the world with all of our senses.
Our multi cultural approach develops embodied self confidence, awareness and connection.
By modeling their embodied experience in the world through their senses, horses allow us to practice the same skill of embodied presence and relationship. This understanding and lived experience, then, ripples into everyday life.
Throughout my life, horses have been a reliable bridge to myself, my culture, my lived experience and ultimately to my personal and professional purpose.
I have come to know that the most vital experience within the horse and human herd, is to connect and belong. To belong to yourself and to the greater world, is to expand and to thrive.
Each and every day I get to share the deep spiritual connection that is possible through nature, horses, and community with my clients.
Horses bring us home to ourselves.
I am committed to creating a space for each of my clients where this personal journey can be experienced by as many individuals, teams, and families as possible.
Picture with Annie from REINS at Saddleview
Sentience is the capacity to feel, perceive, and experience emotions. Horses are sentient beings. When we give attention to the intelligence of the herd - we expand our capacity for understanding and connection through our shared sentience.
Horses are uniquely attuned to their environment, and to everyone in it. Equines are highly sensitive, social herd animals and naturally teach humans about ourselves - ultimately helping us to build healthy connected relationships.
The principles and activities of Mindful Horsemanship, developed by Alejandra, foster an independent and safe horse & human relationship based on mutual respect, communication and emotional attunement.
Horses bring us into the present moment and offer proven therapeutic: mental, emotional, physical, social & spiritual - teachings and benefits.
Sessions with horses are highly interactive and provide an “in the moment” learning experience, teaching us skills which can be difficult to acquire in more traditional settings.
Horses allow us to practice embodied presence and relationship - an understanding and lived experience that ripples into everyday life.
Alejandra’s approach merges culture, ritual and the sentience of the natural world, in a unique and distinct way that allows participants to come into alignment with their wholeness, belonging and purpose. Alejandra knows how to create emotional safety in a non-judgmental space so that people can find healing from the ground up, and from the inside out, cultivating a steady inner wisdom, as well as a sense of belonging and connection.
Alejandra’s extensive professional credentials, experience and commitment to inclusivity, allow her to work with a vast spectrum of individuals and groups, whose unique qualities, needs and abilities require a refined and specialized expertise. Alejandra has expansive experience in coaching, working with corporate groups, and as an equine specialist, working with individual clients. She has created and implemented dozens of self-development programs, within notable organizations in this field. To date, Alejandra has proudly served thousands of people exploring the dynamic growth and healing potential between horses and humans.
Alejandra offers an innovative combination of models, approaches, techniques, and practices within the Park City Horse Experience programs. These programs include retreats and private sessions customized for corporate, family and individual clients. Alejandra meets people where they are. She creates a safe container and invites presence, weaving many cultural practices together, to help clients tap into the present moment to connect with their inner wisdom and healing. Through mindful and ground based activities with Horses as sentient beings, Alejandra designs a nourishing environment to pause and reconnect to yourself.
Alejandra Lara is shifting the way organizations, families, and individuals connect with the sentient world and transform their relationships to themselves and each other. As a life-long horsewoman, from the mountains of Chile, Alejandra has 25 years of experience developing, implementing, and guiding people in Mindful Horsemanship — a model she envisioned and launched. Mindful Horsemanship empowers us to approach everyday life, as we do horses, with awareness, grace and ease. Through trauma-informed, equine based learning and wellness practices, Alejandra’s clients recognize their innate belonging so they can embody more authentic relationships and connections.
From her home in Park City, Utah and throughout her native Chile, Alejandra provides training seminars, program development and therapeutic equine wellness experiences. Alejandra has facilitated thousands of individuals and teams within notable nonprofits, corporations and the private sector. Of all of her impressive accomplishments, Alejandra’s intensive work with veterans and the most vulnerable is what defines the foundation of her approach to working with humans and equines.
Alejandra’s deep work introducing the sentience of the equine herd into everyday human life has garnered her national attention. In 2018, Alejandra was named the credentialed professional of the year by the Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship (PATH), for her contribution to the Equine Assisted Learning program at the renown National Ability Center since 2008. She also holds a special distinction as a military service provider. In addition to being the lead facilitator, founder and owner of Park City Horse Experience since 2016, Alejandra co founded REINS in 2020, a nonprofit organization that provides a healing space for emotional recovery, for both Humans & Equines.
Alejandra is a certified Equine Specialist in Mental Health and Learning (ESMHL) and Therapeutic Riding Instructor (TRI) through the Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship International - PATH Intl. Certified Equine Specialist through EAGALA, She holds a Natural Lifemanship Level I credential as a Equine Professional - Trauma Informed Equine Assisted Therapy, as well as a Mindfulness Meditation Teacher certified by both the Awareness Training Institute and the Greater Good Science Center at the University of California, Berkeley. She lives between her home in Park City, Utah and her family villa in Chile, with a growing community and fellowship of human and equine partners.
My experiences working with Alejandra and a horse named Denny saved my life. As a veteran, I struggled with PTSD/military related traumas. Over the course of the years working with Alejandra, my personal journey has evolved to include learning mindful horsemanship and equine wellness coaching techniques, as well as becoming a state Certified Peer Support Specialist for the VA. I bring the tools I have gained from Alejandra, and from the horse herd, to assist other veterans in their recovery journey through my lived experience.
Heidi Heydt - UT State Certified Peer Support Specialist for the VA
Whether you have worked with horses your entire life, are just now discovering the horse world, or working through some fear and intimidation around horses; Alejandra takes you through an experience that will leave you with a
deeper sense of respect and understanding not only for horses but also for Yourself. PCHE provides the opportunity to spend time around horses without the expectation of needing to ride. Without the pressure of tacking, riding and ‘doing’ all the things we think we are expected of us, we take the time to observe, learn, connect and interact with these incredibly magnificent, sentient animals.
Laura Sellers
Get Outside, Connect to Your Breath and be inspired by a Horse * Alejandra Lara.